September 17, 2024

Why should you buy a packaged wine?

Why should you buy a packaged wine?

Why should you buy a packaged wine?

Earlier, Wine was a symbol of celebrations. But, it became an everyday dose of drink in a few years. According to a survey, the United States is the country that consumes the enormous volume of Wine in the world.

Wine is indeed a good choice of drink whether you are organizing a party or just chilling with friends. But when the pandemic hit the world, there were problems while buying any kind of drink. The situation forced people to store whatever they had.

The situation became a boon to packaged Wine. The “Packaged wine” is slowly making a good place for itself in the market. It simply shows that people are choosing packaged Wine more than bottled Wine. That is happening because it is more convenient and easy to use.

What is packaged Wine? 

There is nothing complex about the Packaged Wine. Apart from the traditional bottles, Wine is now sold in plastic pouches that you usually see as food packages. These wine pouches contain airtight valves to assist while pouring the Wine out. Sometimes the pouches are placed in a cardboard box to provide some support.


Bottled Wine and its disadvantages  

Everybody is familiar with bottled Wine, i.e., the wine-filled in a Bordeaux-shaped glass bottle. This kind of packaging has been in use for a long time that got fixed in people’s minds. Recently, bottles also got the privilege of being a standard unit of volume in the wine sales industry. 

But even the ideal method has its flaws. It’s a fact that the process of making the glass bottle is pernicious to the environment. A lot of energy gets wasted during the wine bottling procedure, and transportation is another complication in itself. A single bottle of Wine weighs nearly 1.2kg, and if you are transporting it in bulk, it obviously makes it a difficult task. When you see from a seller’s perspective, these problems hold more attention.

Even if you are just a buyer, you may have experienced these problems with bottled Wine. Once you have opened the bottle, the Wine will not last long. The pressure of finishing the Wine within the time haunts day and night. Sometimes, the cork used to close the bottle can ruin the Wine too. And lastly, the weight of the bottle makes it difficult to carry the bottle everywhere you go.


History of packaged Wine

Thoman Angove, a winemaker from Renmark, is the pioneer of the bag-in-box packaging system of Wine. He patented his company for this in 1965. His design required cutting the plastic bag, pouring the Wine, and resealing it with a particular peg. This design got substituted with the tap when in 1967, an Australian inventor introduced the plastic tap to the package.

When first invented, mostly wine pouches were only used to sell low-quality cheap wine. But in 2003, Black box wines broke the stereotype and started premium quality wines in the packages. 

Most winemakers started adopting this method after this.

Advantages of packaged Wine 

No stress of oxidation:

As we saw earlier, bottled Wine brings you the stress of finishing it before it gets spoiled because of oxidation once you open it. This problem does not exist with the pouches. The plastic taps provided with pouches are airtight. You can take out as much as you want and store the Wine in the package for more time.

More for money: 

Even when you buy premium quality wine, it will cost less when you buy a package than the bottle because the pouch cost is less than the bottle. A standard bottle contains 750ml of Wine, but a wine bag has 3 liters. A 3-liter wine bag will cost less than 3 wine bottles.

Carrying is easier:

Pouches fit in your bag pretty quickly compared to the bottles. If you carry the pouch, the fear of breaking and pouring out everything will not ride on your shoulder. Song with that, less weight of the pouches is an add-on benefit. You can carry them in your bag, and you won’t feel much weight.

Plus for the environment:

The energy consumed while producing a pouch is less compared to the energy consumed during bottle production. That’s why it is better for the environment. Wine pouches uk is the best example for this.

No cork contamination: 

Pouches will not have any corks used in them. So, You don’t have to worry about the cork contamination of the Wine in a pouch. 

Good for marketing:

Buying wine pouches is a trend now. Apart from being cool, sellers can get the benefit of market growth and brand recognition. Because there are only a few companies using wine pouches and they stand out in the market.

Fits in your fridge:

Storage becomes easy as pouches don’t need any particular place in the fridge. You can store it along with your other food items. They don’t need any separate wine coolers.

Are cheap things bad?

The human mindset has always thought that if you get something for less price, it must be of bad quality. Or if something is available for a higher price, then it will be good. In the modern world, things have changed drastically. Now it does not work like that.

It’s a stereotype that packaged Wine is inferior to bottled Wine. But people having more knowledge about Wine understand that this is not true. The packaged wines are cheaper because the raw materials used in the packaging cost less than those used in bottles. Winemakers will never compromise the quality according to the packaging type.

Now, many famous winemakers have started using flexible packaging.


As already mentioned above, every method has its own flaws. The aging of Wine doesn’t happen in packaged Wine. You won’t find different styles of packaging like you got in the bottles. That’s why you have to choose the one which is right for you and fits your budget. Maybe packaged Wine is the right choice for you as it is the more sustainable option.