Importance of dental health and treatments

Importance of dental health and treatments

Importance of dental health and treatments

Generally, people give less importance to dental compared to other parts of the body. But what they are not aware of is that dental health is related to the body’s overall health. Many diseases are caused due to bacteria that enter through your mouth. That is why dentists recommend flossing and brushing twice a day. In Sydney, the best dentists in Glebe, offering world-class treatments. So many regions in and around Glebe have the best dental clinics in the country. Hence people in Glebe have better oral health than the people in other regions.

Dental problems and causes 

Oral problems are caused due to many factors like

  • Consuming alcohol, sugar and smoking
  • Lack of oral hygiene
  • Irregular dental checkups
  • The absence of fluoride in the water used

As mentioned earlier, lack of oral hygiene leads to numerous health problems that can even be fatal if left unnoticed. Let us see the common conditions and diseases that are caused in detail.

Cardiovascular disease

The harmful bacteria or germs entering through your mouth mix with the bloodstream, circulating into the heart. The blood containing the germs enter the arteries that may cause inflammation and infection, leading to heatstroke.


This is an infection occurring in the heart’s inner lining called the endocardium due to the germs entering the mouth and the bloodstream depositing in some areas of the heart.

Lung diseases 

The germs entering through the mouth may get deposited in the lungs causing pneumonia and other lung diseases.

Birth complications

Periodontitis may cause complications such as low weight birth and premature birth in pregnant women.

There are certain diseases and conditions which may lead to dental problems. People with diabetes may get affected by dental problems like gum disease and tooth decay. Hence it is crucial to maintain the blood sugar levels normal. HIV patients are prone to mucosal lesions. Osteoporosis weakens the bones leading to tooth loss and periodontal bone loss. Alzheimer’s can cause worsening of oral health in patients.

Treatments for dental problems

As mentioned above, dental problems may lead to severe health conditions; hence it is better to prevent it beforehand or treat it immediately once you notice the problem. Certain treatments are very common in Sydney and are done by the best dentists in Glebe.

Scaling and cleaning 

Scaling and cleaning are done to remove the tartar formed due to food particles, plague and minerals in the saliva. Treating in the beginning stage is better because this may lead to severe gum disorders.

Fissure sealants 

Sealants are liquid solutions applied to the teeth (mostly molars and premolars) with fissures and grooves to protect them from decay.


If the infected tooth is impossible to treat, dentists may remove the teeth by injecting local anaesthesia before the extraction. Most dentists recommend removing the wisdom teeth that are the root cause of many oral problems.


The teeth with cavities are removed, cleaned, dried and filled with sealants called fillers made of various substances to protect from further damage and retain the aesthetics.

Root canal treatment

The teeth contain a canal called pulp which is responsible for carrying oxygen, nutrients and feeling. The infected pulp must be treated to prevent pain. So these canals are ground, filled and covered with a tooth cap to make them look normal.

Teeth implants and orthodontic procedures 

Artificial teeth are fixed to replace the missing teeth with the help of screws. The artificial teeth are made of metals or ceramic, and the screws are made of titanium. This treatment is performed to correct the jaw position and teeth abnormalities.


Mouthguards serve as protection for teeth and gums to prevent injuries to jaws, teeth, lips, gums and tongue from accidents. A mould is prepared with the exact size and shape of the mouth before making a mouthguard.