8 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Marijuana Autoflower Yields

8 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Marijuana Autoflower Yields

8 Mistakes That Can Ruin Your Marijuana Autoflower Yields

Autoflowering cannabis seeds are the latest invention in the marijuana growing industry. However, autoflowers always elicit hot debates among growers and cannabis users alike. For this reason, many home growers shy away from growing these seeds due to scanty information about their benefits. Many still opt for photoperiod plants due to the fear of undesirable results.

 However, cannabis autoflowers are excellent choices for all. They are associated with multiple benefits and are easy to grow. If it’s your first time buying autoflower seeds, the team from the i49 seed bank will tell you that you only need to follow simple guidelines. There are some blunders to avoid, though! And understanding this will ensure healthier plants and improve your yields.

Marijuana Autoflowes Vs. Photoperiod seeds

 Photoperiods seeds have been in existence for a long duration. But, newer and easy-to-grow seeds have since come up. These seeds different in various ways, and autoflowers are an excellent definition of speed. They grow and mature fast, allowing multiple harvests in a year. Also, they are easy to cultivate and don’t require strict light schedules. This makes autoflowers the best choice for beginners with little growing experience.

 Similarly, photoperiods offer higher yields but are difficult to grow. This makes them ideal for experienced growers with adequate information on the growth requirements. They are also high-yielding with higher cannabinoid levels but will take longer to mature.

 Another major difference between regular and autoflowers is how they initiate flowering. Cannabis plants undergo different growth stages before reaching maturity. The first stage is the vegetative phase which follows the seedling phase. During this period, the plants consume the nutrients available to grow and expand their roots and leaves. Afterward, they begin to flower but will detect seasonal changes differently.

 The photoperiod plants shift into flowering mode once the light cycle changes. This is when indoor growers reduce the light to initiate flowering. It also happens when summers transition to autumn.

What are the blunders to avoid when growing autoflowers?

1. Not understanding the basics.

Just like with many other plants, you emend adequate information to grow and get high yields from your plants. However, we often hear that autoflowers are easy to grow, and don’t spend time researching. This is a grave mistake and can significantly affect your yields.

 Remember, these seeds germinate and grow very fast, meaning they won’t allow much time to remedy any mistakes made. To avoid this, gather adequate information about autoflowering seeds, the best growth conditions, and how to grow healthy plants and get high yields.


 2. Improper timing

Timing is vital when growing cannabis, and autoflowers are not an exception. This is particularly true for outdoor growers; the plants don’t rely on light to flower, improper planning can affect our yields. If you plant too early or too late, this will impact your yields. 

For instance, most people begin planting when the frost is clear or when spring is almost starting. This is because smaller plants can’t tolerate extreme temperatures and will die. For indoor growth, timing isn’t necessary, and you can germinate your seeds any time.

3. Improper germination

 How you germinate your seed is critical. However, most growers don’t focus much on this stage, which can affect the overall growth of your plants. To get the most out of your seeds, soak them in wet or wrap them in moist paper towels. They will likely spout well in a moist environment that in a dry pale. 

Also, avoid planting the seeds directly. Once the taproot emerges, plant the seedlings in their final containers. It’s also advisable to grow your autoflowrs directly into the growing medium once you gain enough experience,


 4. Choosing the wrong growth medium

Your choice of soil or growth medium matters a lot. Autoflowers grow well in aerated soil. You can also use organic soil if you don’t have to bother about adding nutrients or fertilizing your plants. You can buy the organic soil or make yours at home. No matter your choice, use well-draining soil and avoid clay soil.

5. Wrong choice of containers

 Stuffing your plants in small containers will leave no space for the roots. Use porous containers or to allow optimal root and plant growth. Although autoflowers don’t grow into big plants, they still need adequate root space to thrive and yield. Avoid small jars and use 5-8 liter containers. This will ensure enhanced root aeration, which translates to better yields.

6. Transplanting

 You may want to grow your seeds and transplant the seedlings later on. While this seems like a great idea, it doesn’t work well with autoflowers. As mentioned earlier, these plants grow super fast and will have limited time to recover and adjust after transplanting. 

But, if you’ve already planted your seeds in small containers, you can still transplant when the soil is moist. Otherwise, your plants will break when the soil is soggy or too dry.

 7. Over watering & Undnerwatering

 Your plants need water to grow and flower. They will die if you don’t water them as required. But, this isn’t to mean that you over-water the plants; this isn’t good either.

To determine whether your pot is dry, lift it; it’ll be too heavy when there’s a lot of water. It’ll be lighter when the soil is dry, and you should water when the pot is neither too heavy nor too light.


8. Overfeeding

You want to supply your plants with the right nutrients but shouldn’t overdo it. These plants are small in size and don’t require too many nutrients. Know what your plants need and when. For instance, weed plants need high nitrogen levels during the vegetative stage and more phosphorous and potassium during the flowering phase.

Sadly, most growers make mistakes loading them with too much fertilizer, which isn’t necessary. It can also affect the flavor of your produce.


Take away

Autoflowers have minimal nutrient, water, and light requirements and will grow well in different conditions. They make excellent choices for beginner cannabis growers due to their easy growth. However, you should avoid the above-mentioned mistakes to grow healthy plants and get higher yields.