January 23, 2025

4 Ways to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

4 Ways to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

4 Ways to Stay Calm in a Chaotic World

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it seems as though the stress felt across the globe may not ever end entirely. While you might be confidently vaccinated and able to see loved ones once again, many people are still struggling with the effects of job loss, illness, grief, and more.

Even as the world returns to this “new normal,” it’s important to notice these continued stressors and work to alleviate them where possible. It’s certainly possible to stay calm in this ever more chaotic world, particularly with the right guidance and treatment options at your disposal.

1. Try new tools.

With your doctor’s guidance, a new tool you try for stress relief can very well be the one that makes the most difference in your ability to stay calm despite the chaos around you. Perhaps you heard of the benefits of CBD and your doctor agrees that the right dosage of CBD oil could very well ease your discomfort. Then, you’d likely turn to a resource like CBD Nerds, a CBD review site that can help you learn about a wide variety of CBD products and related topics. The more knowledge you gain and CBD variations you try, the more likely you are to find an option that works best for you—and the same are true of any treatment.

2. Talk to your doctor for support.

Before trying many stress-relieving products—particularly anything you inject, ingest, or otherwise consume—it’s important that you talk to your healthcare provider to ensure its safety. If you take prescription medication, for instance, you’ll want to make sure that the hemp, CBD, THC, or other cannabinoid product you’re considering won’t interact with that prescription.

Whenever you’re looking to add an alternative option to your treatment plan, be sure to seek out medical advice before starting, even if it’s an all-natural tincture, oil, or supplement. However, maybe you just want to speak to your doctor for professional support and guidance. Schedule a visit with your healthcare provider today and remember that you don’t have to do this alone.

3. Cope with stress safely.

In many cases, someone who’s struggling with alcoholism or another addiction is doing so at least in part because it helps to relieve their stress. Rather than turning to destructive behaviors to feel better in the moment (and worse in the long run), work to find alternative coping mechanisms that offer similar relief with fewer negative consequences.

A stress-induced smoker might begin vaping CBD oil as a safer alternative to cigarettes, or perhaps you may begin heading to the gym when they feel anxious rather than ordering a drink from the nearest bartender.

4. Consult a mental health professional.

Products like CBD or hemp oil can help you combat occasional or situational unhappiness. However, if you find that your feelings are of a more long-term variety, it’s important to visit a therapist or other mental health provider to prevent or treat more serious conditions like anxiety disorders or depression.

If your at-home attempts aren’t helping to relieve your stress, you‘re feeling burned out over a lengthy period, or you’re having dangerous thoughts or using risky coping mechanisms, schedule an appointment as soon as possible and reach out to your nearest support network.

Long before COVID-19 took the world by storm, we existed in a society that inevitably led to stress. In the pandemic’s aftermath, it’s all the more obvious that we must take this stress more seriously, especially when it lasts for an extended time or is promoting dangerous behaviors. To do so, it’s important to work with your doctor or psychiatrist to consider potential treatment options and develop healthy methods of coping.

Whether CBD oil helps slow your overactive mind or a mental health professional suggests you take up a healthy habit like exercise to better cope with stress, there’s hope—you’ll surely find something, somewhere that offers you a bit of calm amidst the chaos.